On Mon, 5 Jan 2015, Christoph Hellwig wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 08:36:34AM -0800, Kenneth R. Crudup wrote:
> > OP here. FWIW, this is what I get when running that command on the SCSI
> > generic device that corresponds to the USB-3 (non-UAS) disk[1] that had the
> > issue:
> So it looks like this one actually provides sane values, but we don't
> we never even look at EVPD pages for usb devices due to the wrong SCSI
> level?

According to James Bottomley, it doesn't matter much what the EVPD
pages say.  The limitation is imposed by the USB _bridge_, whereas the
EVPD data indicates what the _drive_ is capable of.  So we can't rely
on that data anyway.  (Although if the EVPD data indicates a limit 
smaller than the bridge can handle, then we'd need to pay attention to 

The patch I posted sets a general limit of 32 MB for USB drives that 
don't have a quirk flag for a smaller limit.

Kenneth, have you tried that patch?  Does it fix your problem?

Alan Stern

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