On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 11:05:09AM +0100, gianluca wrote:
> On 12/22/2014 10:59 AM, gianluca wrote:
> >On 12/22/2014 10:49 AM, Peter Chen wrote:
> >>>>>it waits for 0x400 (timeout value counter) read access, then exit
> >>>>>with a timeout. It looks like the HW_USBPHY_CTRL for USBPHY1
> >>>>>(0x8007E030) has the following value: 0x80020000 (so no CLKGATE
> >>>>>high...)
> >>>>
> >>>>It means the PHY works abnormal, would you please check the related
> >>>>PLL is configured successfully?
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>I suppose yes, the PLL is configured in the right way (anyway I do
> >>>not touch any
> >>>known register neither in the linux kernel, neither in the barebox
> >>>and/or
> >>>bootlets), because the subsequent boots are running fine (at least
> >>>the 90% of
> >>>the times)
> just for your reference: I configured all the device drivers related
> to the device-tree structure as BUILT-IN (not as modules), so if the
> device-tree is referring to a specific device driver it is always
> loaded into kernel (to speedup udev during boot).
> All other drivers are on-demand (udev and family...) as always.
> and I don't remember such issues before building those drivers static...
> but I can be wrong...

Ok, then just try to get the working version, and find the difference.
>From my mind, it should be PLL related.


Best Regards,
Peter Chen
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