On Mon, 2014-11-03 at 16:06 -0500, Dale R. Worley wrote:
> Was there any resolution as to how large disk drives would be handled
> if their interface did not support the "capacity" request that would
> tell how large they were?

Realistically no ... unless someone comes up with a reliable heuristic
to give us the size.

> Or as an alternative, is there any way to avoid buying USB-SCSI
> interfaces that do not support the large-capacity request?
> Unfortunately, such devices work OK with Windows (since Windows trusts
> what the partition table says), you can't just say to the salesperson
> "It has to work on drives over 3 TB."

This is a stopgap: your 3TB drive can be guessed as the 16 bit capacity
plus 2TB, but the same won't happen for a 5TB device.  Believing the
partition table gives us a chicken and egg problem because something
still has to get the partition table on to the device.

I don't think "don't buy something that doesn't work" is a hugely
unreasonable response to this.


> Dale
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