On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 03:27:53PM -0700, Andrew Bresticker wrote:
> diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/xhci-tegra.c b/drivers/usb/host/xhci-tegra.c
> +static const char *tegra_xhci_supply_names[TEGRA_XHCI_NUM_SUPPLIES] = {
> +     "avddio-pex",
> +     "dvddio-pex",
> +     "avdd-usb",
> +     "avdd-pll-utmip",
> +     "avdd-pll-erefe",
> +     "avdd-pex-pll",
> +     "hvdd-pex",
> +     "hvdd-pex-plle",
> +};

This could be in a per-SoC structure since it's likely to change in a
future SoC. That could be done later on when it really becomes relevant,

> +
> +static const struct {
> +     const char *name;
> +     int num;


> +} tegra_xhci_phy_types[] = {
> +     {
> +             .name = "usb3",
> +             .num = TEGRA_XUSB_USB3_PHYS,
> +     }, {
> +             .name = "utmi",
> +             .num = TEGRA_XUSB_UTMI_PHYS,
> +     }, {
> +             .name = "hsic",
> +             .num = TEGRA_XUSB_HSIC_PHYS,
> +     },
> +};

Should these constants perhaps be in a per-SoC structure like
tegra_xhci_soc_config rather than defined in a global header?

> +static int tegra_xhci_load_firmware(struct tegra_xhci_hcd *tegra)
> +{
> +     /* Start Falcon CPU. */
> +     csb_writel(tegra, CPUCTL_STARTCPU, XUSB_FALC_CPUCTL);
> +     usleep_range(1000, 2000);
> +
> +     fw_time = le32_to_cpu(cfg_tbl->fwimg_created_time);
> +     time_to_tm(fw_time, 0, &fw_tm);
> +     dev_info(dev,
> +              "Firmware timestamp: %ld-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC, "
> +              "Falcon state 0x%x\n", fw_tm.tm_year + 1900,
> +              fw_tm.tm_mon + 1, fw_tm.tm_mday, fw_tm.tm_hour,
> +              fw_tm.tm_min, fw_tm.tm_sec,
> +              csb_readl(tegra, XUSB_FALC_CPUCTL));
> +
> +     /* Make sure Falcon CPU is now running. */
> +     if (csb_readl(tegra, XUSB_FALC_CPUCTL) == CPUCTL_STATE_HALTED)
> +             return -EIO;

It seems somewhat strange to output the dev_info() message when in fact
it could be that the Falcon wasn't successfully booted. Also is it
guaranteed that the Falcon will always be up after 1 ms? Perhaps better
would be to use a timed loop?

> +static int tegra_xhci_set_ss_clk(struct tegra_xhci_hcd *tegra,
> +                              unsigned long rate)
> +{
> +     unsigned long new_parent_rate, old_parent_rate;
> +     int ret, div;
> +     struct clk *clk = tegra->ss_src_clk;
> +
> +     if (clk_get_rate(clk) == rate)
> +             return 0;
> +
> +     switch (rate) {
> +             /*
> +              * Reparent to PLLU_480M. Set divider first to avoid
> +              * overclocking.
> +              */
> +             old_parent_rate = clk_get_rate(clk_get_parent(clk));
> +             new_parent_rate = clk_get_rate(tegra->pll_u_480m);
> +             div = new_parent_rate / rate;
> +             ret = clk_set_rate(clk, old_parent_rate / div);
> +             if (ret)
> +                     return ret;
> +             ret = clk_set_parent(clk, tegra->pll_u_480m);
> +             if (ret)
> +                     return ret;
> +             /*
> +              * The rate should already be correct, but set it again just
> +              * to be sure.
> +              */
> +             ret = clk_set_rate(clk, rate);
> +             if (ret)
> +                     return ret;
> +             break;
> +             /* Reparent to CLK_M */
> +             ret = clk_set_parent(clk, tegra->clk_m);
> +             if (ret)
> +                     return ret;
> +             ret = clk_set_rate(clk, rate);
> +             if (ret)
> +                     return ret;
> +             break;
> +     default:
> +             dev_err(tegra->dev, "Invalid SS rate: %lu\n", rate);
> +             return -EINVAL;
> +     }
> +
> +     if (clk_get_rate(clk) != rate) {
> +             dev_err(tegra->dev, "SS clock doesn't match requested rate\n");
> +             return -EINVAL;
> +     }
> +
> +     return 0;
> +}

So this is why you need pllu_480m and clk_m clocks. I would've thought
it nice to use something like the assigned-clocks properties to take
care of this, but it seems like this may actually be required to be
updated dynamically at runtime, so a fixed property is not going to be
an option.

> +static int tegra_xhci_clk_enable(struct tegra_xhci_hcd *tegra)
> +{
> +     clk_prepare_enable(tegra->pll_e);
> +     clk_prepare_enable(tegra->host_clk);
> +     clk_prepare_enable(tegra->ss_clk);
> +     clk_prepare_enable(tegra->falc_clk);
> +     clk_prepare_enable(tegra->fs_src_clk);
> +     clk_prepare_enable(tegra->hs_src_clk);

You should error-check these.

> +static int tegra_xhci_phy_enable(struct tegra_xhci_hcd *tegra)
> +{
> +     int ret;
> +     int i;

I prefer unsigned when the value can't be negative as in this case.

> +
> +     for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(tegra->phys); i++) {
> +             ret = phy_init(tegra->phys[i]);
> +             if (ret)
> +                     goto disable_phy;
> +             ret = phy_power_on(tegra->phys[i]);
> +             if (ret) {
> +                     phy_exit(tegra->phys[i]);
> +                     goto disable_phy;
> +             }
> +     }

Perhaps a phy_init_and_power_on() helper would be useful. Nothing that
needs to be done as part of this patch, though.

> +
> +     return 0;
> +disable_phy:
> +     for (i = i - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
> +             phy_power_off(tegra->phys[i]);
> +             phy_exit(tegra->phys[i]);

You could write this as:

        for (i = i; i > 0; i--) {
                phy_power_off(tegra->phys[i - 1]);

for the unsigned case. But I guess this would be a reasonable exception
to let i be signed.

> +static void tegra_xhci_phy_disable(struct tegra_xhci_hcd *tegra)
> +{
> +     int i;

There's no reason for it to be signed here, though.

> +
> +     for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(tegra->phys); i++) {
> +             phy_power_off(tegra->phys[i]);
> +             phy_exit(tegra->phys[i]);
> +     }
> +}
> +
> +static bool is_host_mbox_message(u32 cmd)
> +{
> +     switch (cmd) {
> +     case MBOX_CMD_SET_BW:
> +             return true;
> +     default:
> +             return false;
> +     }
> +}
> +
> +static void tegra_xhci_mbox_work(struct work_struct *work)
> +{
> +     struct tegra_xhci_hcd *tegra = container_of(work, struct tegra_xhci_hcd,
> +                                                 mbox_req_work);

There's only a single instance of this, but it might still be useful to
wrap it in a static inline for readability.

> +     /*
> +      * Set the xHCI pointer before xhci_plat_setup() (aka hcd_driver.reset)

I don't think this driver calls xhci_plat_setup() (anymore?).

> +      * is called by usb_add_hcd().
> +      */
> +     *((struct xhci_hcd **) xhci->shared_hcd->hcd_priv) = xhci;

This makes me a little uneasy. Perhaps this should be an XHCI wrapper to
make it look less like you're doing something you shouldn't.

> +static int tegra_xhci_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
> +{
> +     struct tegra_xhci_hcd *tegra;
> +     struct usb_hcd *hcd;
> +     struct resource *res;

There's a tab between resource and *res which should be a space.

> +     struct phy *phy;
> +     const struct of_device_id *match;
> +     int ret, i, j, k;
> +
> +     BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct tegra_xhci_fw_cfgtbl) != 256);
> +
> +     tegra = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*tegra), GFP_KERNEL);
> +     if (!tegra)
> +             return -ENOMEM;
> +     tegra->dev = &pdev->dev;
> +     platform_set_drvdata(pdev, tegra);
> +
> +     match = of_match_device(tegra_xhci_of_match, &pdev->dev);
> +     if (!match) {
> +             dev_err(&pdev->dev, "No device match found\n");
> +             return -ENODEV;
> +     }

I don't think this can happen. If there's no match in the table then
this function shouldn't have been called in the first place.

> +     tegra->soc_config = match->data;
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Right now device-tree probed devices don't get dma_mask set.
> +      * Since shared usb code relies on it, set it here for now.
> +      * Once we have dma capability bindings this can go away.
> +      */
> +     ret = dma_coerce_mask_and_coherent(&pdev->dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32));
> +     if (ret)
> +             return ret;

I think that's no longer necessary. of_dma_configure() should take care
of this now.

> +     k = 0;
> +     for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(tegra_xhci_phy_types); i++) {

I think a more idiomatic way to write this would be:

        for (i = 0, k = 0; ...)


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