On Mon, 6 Oct 2014 15:26:41 -0400 (EDT)
Alan Stern <st...@rowland.harvard.edu> wrote:

> On Mon, 6 Oct 2014, Mark Knibbs wrote:
> > The max_lun field in the scsi_host/us_data structure is the maximum
> > possible LUN value *plus 1*.
> You are confusing two different fields.  The max_lun field in scsi_host 
> is different from the max_lun field in us_data.
> The field in us_data is the maximum possible LUN value, _not_ plus 1.  
> See this code in usb_stor_control_thread():
>               else if (us->srb->device->lun > us->max_lun) {
>                       usb_stor_dbg(us, "Bad LUN (%d:%llu)\n",
>                                    us->srb->device->id,
>                                    us->srb->device->lun);
>                       us->srb->result = DID_BAD_TARGET << 16;
>               }
> >  It's initially set to 8 by scsi_host_alloc()
> > which is called by usb_stor_probe1().
> scsi_host_alloc() doesn't touch anything in the us_data structure.

Whoops, thanks very much for clearing that up. I got confused with the
identical member names. (While looking into why multiple LUNs don't work
with SCM USB-SCSI converters; I hope to post a patch for that shortly.)

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