
(2014/10/06 9:59), Yoshihiro Shimoda wrote:
> Hello.
> (2014/10/04 4:50), Sergei Shtylyov wrote:
>> On 10/02/2014 12:04 PM, Yoshihiro Shimoda wrote:
>>> Signed-off-by: Yoshihiro Shimoda <yoshihiro.shimoda...@renesas.com>
>>> ---
>>>   arch/arm/boot/dts/r8a7790-lager.dts |    5 +++++
>>>   1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/r8a7790-lager.dts 
>>> b/arch/arm/boot/dts/r8a7790-lager.dts
>>> index 1698591..4badd0a 100644
>>> --- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/r8a7790-lager.dts
>>> +++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/r8a7790-lager.dts
>>> @@ -445,3 +445,8 @@
>>>             };
>>>     };
>>>   };
>>> +
>>> +&hsusb {
>>> +   status = "okay";
>>> +   renesas,enable-gpio = <&gpio5 18 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
>>     It's certainly active-high.
> Since the current code has the following, we have to set the active_low...
> However, the code is unreadable, I think. So, I will modify the code.
>       /* check GPIO determining if USB function should be enabled */
>       if (priv->dparam.enable_gpio) {
>               gpio_request_one(priv->dparam.enable_gpio, GPIOF_IN, NULL);
>               ret = !gpio_get_value(priv->dparam.enable_gpio);
>               gpio_free(priv->dparam.enable_gpio);
>               if (ret) {
>                       dev_warn(&pdev->dev,
>                                "USB function not selected (GPIO %d)\n",
>                                priv->dparam.enable_gpio);
>                       ret = -ENOTSUPP;
>                       goto probe_end_mod_exit;
>               }
>       }

I am confusing about the gpio_get_value()...
In case of ARM, gpio_get_value() will call gpiod_get_raw_value() finally.

gpio_get_value() in arch/arm/include/asm/gpio.h
 --> __gpio_get_value() in include/asm-generic/gpio.h
  --> gpiod_get_raw_value() in drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c

The gpiod_get_raw_value() doesn't care of the GPIO_ACTIVE_{HIGH,LOW}.
So, should I add gpiod_is_active_low() or someting in the renesas_usbhs driver?
Or, Do I misunderstand something?

Best regards,
Yoshihiro Shimoda

> Best regards,
> Yoshihiro Shimoda
>> WBR, Sergei
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