On Wed, 3 Sep 2014, Dale R. Worley wrote:

> > From: Alan Stern <st...@rowland.harvard.edu>
> > 
> > On Fri, 29 Aug 2014, Matthew Dharm wrote:
> > > Is there an 'easy' way to override the detected size of a storage
> > > device from userspace?  If we had that, someone could write a helper
> > > application which looked for this particular fubar and try to Do The
> > > Right Thing(tm), or at least offer the user some options.
> > 
> > You mean, force a Media Change event and override the capacity reported 
> > by the hardware?  I'm not aware of any API for doing that, although it 
> > probably wouldn't be too hard to add one.
> > 
> > How would the user know what value to put in for the capacity?  Unless 
> > the drive had been hooked up to a different computer and the user 
> > manually noted the correct capacity and typed it in, it would have to 
> > be guesswork.
> The value would most sanely be extracted from the partition table.
> (After verifying that the partition table looks correct.)  That seems
> to be what Windows does, and it seems to work consistently enough for
> Windows to trust that method.  Or at least, it could take the disk
> size to be the end of the last partition, which would at least make
> all the partitions accessible.

If there is a partition table.  It might be worthwhile to try an ATA 
pass-through command as well.

> As somebody else hinted at, the userspace program could check the USB
> device against a list of device types known to have this problem.
> It could even verify that the SCSI-reported size matches the size
> reported by the partition table (modulo two-to-the-whatever) (at least
> for GPT tables, I don't know if MBR tables report the disk size).

They don't.  Just the start and end of each partition.

> Do we have any way of knowing what algorithm Windows uses in this
> situation?

Ask Microsoft.  I suspect you're not likely to get an answer, though.

Anyway, I can try writing a patch to add this capability.  We'll see if 
it can solve your problem.

Alan Stern

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