Sorry for my late reply,
I still haven't tried the debug mode for cdc-acm since I still have to
figure out the "proper way" to get and compile the source on Linux Mint
(it seems some documentation is old... but mostly I've been a little
busy to dig deeper).
About the hardware flow control, I remember tried every combination of
flow control and line endings (because the receiving end might only
accept one kind of line break) with minicom, but I'll try again.
I had some suspicions about what could be the problem with this device
since it's a 8 gsm modem pool interfaced with these chips and just one
usb port (Host -> integraded HUB -> XR21V1414) but after test it on
WinXP with putty and using the same settings on linux putty, I thought
that it might be a problem with the driver. That moment I went to
investigate the alternatives of cdc-acm and read about usbserial as
testing platform and the drivers included with.
I'm sorry if I take a while to get the logs you asked me, I hope to have
them around the weekend.
On 09/02/2014 02:24 AM, Johan Hovold wrote:
On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 04:15:25PM +0200, Johan Hovold wrote:
On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 12:53:12PM -0500, Sergio De León wrote:
Hi, I've been trying to get this device work in linux Mint Qiana
(3.13.0-24-generic) without success.
The XR21V1414 is a multiport USB-UART device. (0x04e2:0x1414)
(The driver provided "Vizzini" causes system crash due a improper
initialization of tty_port)
The cdc_acm driver creates the proper ttyACMx but there's no
communication with the device.
What does the kernel log say when you plug the device in with the
cdc-acm driver loaded?
An what happens if you enable debugging for the driver and write
something to the device?
The manufacturer seems to claim compliance with CDC (although some
extra features would be missing) so the cdc-acm driver should work.
By the way, have you made sure this is not simply a flow control issue?
Depending on your configuration you may have hardware flow control
enabled with cdc-acm, but that wouldn't be the case with the generic
usb-serial driver.
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