On 08/27/2014 09:07 AM, Jassi Brar wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Daniel Mack <dan...@zonque.org> wrote:
>> Hmm? The first USB_XFERS packets will only contain zeros, and we're only
>> preparing those here. For every successive packet, the length is
>> recalculated and the audio material is copied in accordingly before the
>> requets is requeued. What buffers should overlap here?
> For 44100/2/S16, req_len is 176 or 44 frames. But we need to send 45
> frames in a packet occasionally.
> req[0]->buf = rbuf + 0   and  req[1]->buf = rbuf + 176.

No. req[0]->buf = rbuf + 0 and req[1]->buf = rbuf + max_psize.

prm->max_psize is still set to wMaxPacketSize of the endpoint. We just
decide how much of it to really use dynamically, each time before a
packet with real payload is commited.

>  But what if we req[0] needed to carry the packet with 45 frames?

Then we do so in iso_complete(). This is unrelated to the first
USB_XFERS dummy packets. I just wanted to avoid sending queuing them
with max_psize length.


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