On 07/01/2014 09:07 AM, Mike Mammarella wrote:
>> Hi
>> Can you add xhci debugging by enabling CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG, and run
>> `echo -n 'module xhci_hcd =p' > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control`
>> as root,
>> and send me the output of dmesg.
>> Without debugging info it's hard to guess what's going on.
>> The microframe rounding look a bit suspicious:
>> [12864.453456] usb 3-4: ep 0x81 - rounding interval to 128 microframes, ep 
>> desc says 255 microframes
>> xhci specs says it needs the interval rounded to nearest 2^(X) value, which 
>> would be 256, not 128. I'll take a look at that.
>> An other possibility is that it's related to how xhci handles halted 
>> endpoints. I got some untested code to fix this, It needs a lot of cleanup 
>> but can be tested.
>> If you are able to test my ep_reset_halt_test branch (with xhci debugging) 
>> I'd be interested to know if it helps.
>> Code is at:
>> git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/mnyman/xhci.git 
>> ep_reset_halt_test
>> -Mathias
> Thanks! I've built a kernel from fb58633e with CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG enabled.
> (I also had to mount debugfs, it turns out.) The scanner does not work in
> this configuration. I've posted the logs here:
> http://spark.crystalorb.net/mikem/dmesg.log
> http://spark.crystalorb.net/mikem/scanadf.log
> dmesg seems to have much more information than what showed up on the
> console (which showed only MATTU messages); it may be relevant when
> sifting through that output that the root file system is also on USB.

Took a quick look, but can't find any obvious reason why it fails.
I'll be out of office next week, but I'll try to take a better look again when 
I return   

usbmon traces of this could give some hint on what is happening


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