On 05/22/2014 05:10 PM, Alan Stern wrote:
> On Thu, 22 May 2014, Heinz Diehl wrote:
>> On 21.05.2014, Alan Stern wrote:
>>> In that case, I have no idea what else could be causing the problem.
>> Thanks for your      efforts!
>> If somebody of the developers is interested in debugging this, I'm
>> willing to provide/give away the device for free. Send me
>> an email with your postal adress in this case, and I'll send you 
>> the controller mentioned in this thread. My GPG-key is available 
>> from the link given in the header.
> Mathias, this sounds like a pretty good opportunity for somebody at
> Intel to use a USB-3 bus analyzer to solve some of the recurring
> problems that have been affecting many people using Intel's xHCI
> controllers.

This would be helpful, I've got a LeCroy protocol analyzer in Finland.

Heinz, if you're willing to send it to Europe Finland I'll gladly take it,
(I'll send the address details in a separate personal mail)

Otherwise if you can tell me where exactly what device this is I might
be able to purchase a similar one.

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