On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:38 PM, Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-05-05 at 11:07 +0530, Suresh Kumar N. wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am new to udev and device enumeration.
>> I am interested to know how USB Data Card would get enumerated.
>> Based on my understanding Data Card can get enumerated below 2 possible ways 
>> -
>>   1. As a modem
>>   2. As a Network Interface Card (NIC)
> Or both at the same time.
>> Is there a Standard defining the way a Data Card should be enumerated?
> There is no single standard.  There is a few "standards" and multiple
> proprietary mechanisms, and sometimes these are combined in the same
> device.
> The device simply enumerates as a normal USB device, providing to the
> host computer one or more USB interfaces.
> Each USB interface can be any one of:
> 1) serial interface (AT, QCDM, WMC, WDM, CDC-ACM, etc)
> 2) pseudo-ethernet NIC (proprietary, CDC-ETHER, CDC-NCM, etc)

In such case (pseudo-ethernet NIC) do we assume that the firmware on
the USB Dongle is responsible to establish IP address?
In other words how does IP address allocation occur in this case?

> 3) proprietary control protocols (CnS, QMI, etc)
> 4) standard non-serial control protocols (MBIM)
> A modem can provide any of these in combination.  Which port speaks what
> protocol is detected by one or more of the following methods:
> a) USB VID/PID and interface number hardcoded in the drivers or in
> userland udev rules
> b) USB interface type (eg, serial port or NIC port, done in userland)
> c) probing with known request/response to determine different
> communication protocols used if the port type is indeterminate

Thanks for the information.

> Dan
>> Please correct if my understanding is not correct or incomplete.
>> Thanks in advance for your clarifications.
>> Warm Regards,
>> Suresh
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