OK sure. I guess there are plenty guides on how to do it out there but
if you have one you can recommend it would be good. Its not a disaster
if the system gets trashed but it would be nice if it didnt, I did ask
on Ubuntu forums but no one replied, thats why I am here!.



On 31 March 2014 23:00, Greg KH <g...@kroah.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 10:17:20PM +0200, Russel Hughes wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  Thanks for replying.  I can use a some USB audio devices, ones based
>> around the Ti PCM2704 are fine, the DAC I want to use is called an
>> audiolab MDAC and as I said it has an elasticity buffer, this sits at
>> 50% full and is rock solid, as it should do, on USB 2.0 devices under
>> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS fully patched ASRock 330 but not on the 12.04 LTS
>> fully patched Intel NUC, where it reaches a maximum of 20% is highly
>> erratic and drops out from time to time. The lsmod output is as
>> follows:
> I have no idea what kernel release Ubuntu is using, but I suggest, if
> you have issues with that specific kernel, filing a bug with Ubuntu.
> Otherwise, if you can run a kernel.org release, can you please try 3.14
> and see if that changes anything or not?
> thanks,
> greg k-h
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