
I apologize if you've already received a copy of this - I inadvertently
shutdown evolution in the middle of sending and it doesn't look like the
first one was sent, so ...

Is there a document/tutorial on the USB 3.0 driver code flow in general,
especially regarding the OTG decisions process?

I am interested in both: (1) my Samsung (android linux) defaults to a
host at 2.0  when a 3.0 OTG gadget is plugged in, posting a pop-up to
select 3.0; I'd like to have it default to 3.0 in that case.

I'm also interested in your thoughts on what it would take to make the
large file data transfer (isochronous?) rate approach the 3.0 spec
maximum, even if it means compromising other transfers.

I'm somewhat familiar with the 3.0 spec, but not the driver. Any
pointers gratefully accepted. 

David Kochendorfer
(kotchkotch -
(struggling with 3.0 OTG)

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