Am 28.10.2013 09:27, schrieb Mika Westerberg:
> On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 03:43:03PM +0200, Frank Schäfer wrote:
>> Am 25.10.2013 15:17, schrieb Mika Westerberg:
>>> On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 03:01:37PM +0200, Frank Schäfer wrote:
>>>>> Tried few other baudrates > 115200 and they don't work either.
>>>> Urgh... has this device ever been working at baud rates > 115200 ?
>>> I have only used it as a serial console for a device and never tried baud
>>> rates higher than 115200 before today.
>> Could you at least test kernel 3.11 ?
> Tried on v3.11 following rates: 115200, 230400, 460800, and they all work.

That's weird.
Ok, it seems I'll have to order one of these adapters to find out what's
going on. ;-)
In the meantime, we have to switch back to the old baud rate encoding
method/strategy for this chip.
I will send a patch later this evening.

Thank you for reporting this issue and testing !

Frank Schäfer
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