On 10/09/2013 02:38 AM, Daniel Mack wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> On 09.10.2013 08:18, Gururaja Hebbar wrote:
>> On Wednesday 09 October 2013 11:33 AM, Fernandes, Joel wrote:
>>> Some temporary issues with my mua so forgive any artifacts in this
>>> email.
>>> On Oct 9, 2013, at 12:14 AM, "Hebbar, Gururaja"
>>> <gururaja.heb...@ti.com> wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday 09 October 2013 09:58 AM, Joel Fernandes wrote:
>>>>> On 10/01/2013 10:04 AM, Daniel Mack wrote:
>>>> AFAIK, Suspend/resume should be quick. Allocating and
>>>> deallocating on every iterating would be useless and time
>>>> consuming.
>>> Nobody said allocate and deallocate on every iteration. Allocate
>>> once during the first suspend call and then don't have to allocate
>>> on subsequent calls.
>> I couldn't find any code which allocates parameters inside suspend. 
> Me neighter :)
> But on a general note, I wonder whether it's really worth discussing and
> merging this patch. As I wrote in the cover letter, it's just a quick
> and dirty solution that I copied from a very old BSP tree, and I know
> that the file I'm patching here is going to be removed soon anyway.
> Actually, the sooner the better.

OK, I realize its also unnecessary to allocate save anything. In your new
version when you respin, please just recreate the state based on the in-memory
kernel data structures already there. Ex, you know which channels were allocated
so you just set those bits in the IESR.

> (And the 'v3' in the subject is really my bad, sorry - I only sent one
> version of this patch ever).
> I can respin the patch on top of the proper driver once all the edma
> bits have eventually been moved to drivers/dma. Is anyone continuing
> Matt Porter's work on this?

The work is waiting on conversion of the davinci-pcm ASoC driver to DMA Engine,
which once done can make exposing the private EDMA API in arch/arm/common/edma.c
obsolete and we can take it to drivers/dma. Some more work to be done in edma in
unifying the probe etc.



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