On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 8:28 PM, Markus Rechberger
<mrechber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 7:43 PM, Alan Stern <st...@rowland.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> On Sat, 28 Sep 2013, Markus Rechberger wrote:
>>> >> My next step would be to eliminate the kmallocs/kfrees for the single
>>> >> urbs (just by allocating the urbs with the same mechanism and passing
>>> >> the returned pointer to SUBMIT_URB).
>>> >
>>> > The time spent allocating and freeing URBs is probably pretty small.
>>> >
>>> pre-allocating should at least solve those issues:
>>> http://support.sundtek.com/index.php/topic,1097.msg7780.html#msg7780
>> As far as I can tell, that bug report isn't related to URB allocation.
>> It looks like the failure occurred when allocating memory for the
>> transfer buffer, not when allocating memory for the URB.
> That's what I mean, URB pre-allocation would just be for having it
> complete (the same is available on MacOSX), if it's not wanted I don't
> mind either.
> At the time the bugreport was made in our forum we were allocating
> around 15k buffers, it happened during runtime so it worked for some
> time and then stopped with those allocation problems.
> I hope the SG transfer does not introduce any latency issues we have
> some usb chipsets which are very picky about latency issues on
> embedded systems.
> We got it work by tuning the transfer size, if the timings are not met
> the device will just disable the transfer.
> Unfortunately it will take a second to detect that by the driver and
> re-enabling the transfer which means that it will corrupt the data.
> I do not have a good feeling about pushing SG transfers into the
> kernel by modifying the legacy mode without having any experience with
> it. While the idea behind SG transfers is definitely ok but who knows
> how it will perform with such devices.

I put together a few reports:

they are all about page allocation failure when submitting the URB
packet (I agree that it's probably mostly about the 15-16k allocation
problem here).

They only came up a few times between 2010 - (late) 2012 (we were also
able to reproduce this on our Sheevaplug occasionally since we do
stronger testing with it I guess). Not sure if that problem still
happens, at least it didn't pop up in our forum this year.


>>> but now when looking closer SG support can disable the support for
>>> shared memory support for bulk transfers.
>> I don't know what you're talking about.  What has shared memory got to
>> do with SG or anything else we are discussing?
> sorry I probably picked the wrong words for that.
>>> It should be possible to turn off SG Support in favor of
>>> pre-allocating the buffers (or preallocate the buffers for SG).
>> Only if the buffer can be allocated as a single contiguous region of
>> memory, in which case SG wouldn't be needed anyway.
>>> This problem happened several times on Sheevaplug ARM systems from Marvell.
>> I don't see what difference the platform or architecture would make.
>> Alan Stern
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