Hi everyone,

Sorry for the late answer !

Le 26/09/2013 17:59, Christoph Fritz a écrit :
> On Wed, 2013-09-25 at 16:00 +0200, Eric Bénard wrote:
>> Le Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:17:40 +0200,
>> Christoph Fritz <chf.fr...@googlemail.com> a écrit :
>>> On Tue, 2013-04-09 at 14:28 -0300, Fabio Estevam wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Fabio Estevam <feste...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I know that I have to use the driver ULPI but with my configuration, I
>>>>>> get these errors :
>>>>>> "
>>>>>> ehci-mxc: Freescale On-Chip EHCI Host driver
>>>>>> mxc-ehci mxc-ehci.0: initializing i.MX USB Controller
>>>>>> timeout polling for ULPI device
>>>>>> mxc-ehci mxc-ehci.0: unable to init transceiver, probably missing
>>>> Just tested mx31pdk on a 3.8.6 kernel and I got:
>>>> ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
>>>> ehci-mxc: Freescale On-Chip EHCI Host driver
>>>> mxc-ehci mxc-ehci.0: initializing i.MX USB Controller
>>>> ULPI transceiver vendor/product ID 0x04cc/0x1504
>>>> Found NXP ISP1504 ULPI transceiver.
>>>> ULPI integrity check: passed.
>>>> mxc-ehci mxc-ehci.0: EHCI Host Controller
>>>> mxc-ehci mxc-ehci.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
>>>> mxc-ehci mxc-ehci.0: irq 53, io mem 0x43f88000
>>>> mxc-ehci mxc-ehci.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
>>>> hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
>>>> hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
>>>> mxc-ehci mxc-ehci.2: initializing i.MX USB Controller
>>>> timeout polling for ULPI device
>>>> mxc-ehci mxc-ehci.2: unable to init transceiver, probably missing
>>> Any updates on this?

For me, no updates about ISP1504.

But we wants to change the ISP1504 by the SMSC 3340 to have a reset pin.
So we are trying to detect this USB phy with an IMX27 too !
And unfortunately, we have the same problem with the ULPI detection (and 
tested with different kernel versions).

We are having some help with the support to try to know why it is not 
I will let you know when I have updates but right now, we are still 
searching why.
But we have found that some pins DATA [1 and 6] stay high even after the 
reset [probably a problem with the SoC configuration ?].

I will let you know if we succeed to make it work, how and why we had 
these problems !

>>> I'm facing the same kind of issue with an SMSC3340 phy connected to an
>>> imx.27: After some minutes in power-off state, the first boot fails to
>>> detect the ULPI device connected to USBOTG-Pins, no matter if host- or
>>> device-mode is configured.
>>> But the strange thing is that then, after a reboot or reset the phy gets
>>> detected.

You succeeded to get it detected with a reboot ? It is great but strange.

>> are you sure some pins on the ULPI interface don't change their level
>> between the time where you release the PHY's reset and when the ULPI
>> access occurs ?
> I'm pretty sure that there are, but not intended by software I could
> control (bootloader+kernel).
> I got a pdf entitled "Using ISP1504 with i.MX27" which is a
> Freescale-"Hardware-Bug-Tech-Note" from 2008. It's about the same
> problem we are facing here in this thread. To quote their conclusion:
> - i.MX27 HS OTG core is software configurable for ULPI or Serial
>    transceiver interface
> - Default setup at power-up is for Serial transceiver
> - This has been found to cause problems with ISP1504 ULPI High-
>    Speed USB OTG transceiver
>    - Problems appear rarely and randomly during system power-up
>    - Final result is that sometimes ISP1504 enters suspend mode during
>      startup preventing proper initialization via ULPI bus
> Their software fix:
>     "As first attemp at fixing this issue, one may try to switch LINK to
>     ULPI mode before configuring MUX and pads for USB operation. Fear is
>     that this could cause unexpected transfer from PHY to LINK, somehow
>     preventing proper initialization"
> I'll try that here with the smsc3340-phy.

Very interesting !

> Please drop me a private mail if you want me to send the pdf to you.

It would be great if you could send me this pdf ! :)

> Thanks
>   -- Christoph


Best regards,


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