On Thu, 27 Jun 2013, victor yeo wrote:

> I find some clue. From USB 2.0 Compliance Test Spec, quoted:
> "Address State:
> 1.  Put the device in the configured state following the procedure below.
> 2.  Issue a valid Set Configuration command to the device with
> configuration value zero.
> 3.  Issue a valid Get Configuration command to the device and verify
> that device responds with zero."
> I think the address state test in USB2CV fails because
> Set-Configuration actually set config #1 and Get-Configuration returns
> config #1. See the usb requests log below. It seems that the Set
> Configuration command from USB2CV is issued with config value of one.
> Isn't it?
> g_file_storage gadget: ep0-setup, length 8:
> 00000000: 00 09 01 00 00 00 00 00
> g_file_storage gadget: set configuration

Yes, that is a Set-Config request with configuraiton value 1.  You
probably got hold of the wrong part of the log.  Elsewhere there should
be a Set-Config request with a config value of 0.

> g_file_storage gadget: ep0-setup, length 8:
> 00000000: 80 08 00 00 00 00 01 00
> g_file_storage gadget: get configuration
> g_file_storage gadget: ep0-in, length 1:
> 00000000: 01

This is the correct response following the request above.

You can test the gadget's behavior with a Linux host.  To send a 
Set-Config request with value N, do

        echo N >/sys/bus/usb/devices/.../bConfigurationValue

where the "..." part is replaced with the gadget's device path.

Alan Stern

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