On Mon, 3 Jun 2013, victor yeo wrote:

> The gadget log when Command Verifier says "Device must support being
> set to Addressed/Configured state" is attached. The log shows get
> device descriptor, get configuration descriptor, and set configuration
> requests are received. I see nothing wrong in gadget log. Does the log
> indicate any problem that corresponds to the error message in Command
> Verifier?

I have no idea what the CV test is doing.  If you can get a log from 
the CV program, that would help.

There is one strange thing in the middle of the gadget log:

> g_file_storage gadget: ep0-setup, length 8:
> 00000000: 80 06 00 02 00 00 20 00
> g_file_storage gadget: get configuration descriptor
> ept0 in queue len 0x20, buffer 0xc1289800
> g_file_storage gadget: ep0-in, length 32:
> 00000000: 09 02 20 00 01 01 04 c0 01 09 04 00 00 02 08 06
> 00000010: 50 05 07 05 81 02 00 02 00 07 05 01 02 00 02 01
> g_file_storage gadget: in handle_exception loop
> [start_transfer] 43425355 8a47aaf8
> ept1 out queue len 0x200, buffer 0xc0c44000
> before kagen2_ep_queue
> g_file_storage gadget: ep0-setup, length 8:
> 00000000: 80 06 00 01 00 00 12 00
> g_file_storage gadget: get device descriptor
> ept0 in queue len 0x12, buffer 0xc1289800
> g_file_storage gadget: ep0-in, length 18:
> 00000000: 12 01 00 02 00 00 00 40 25 05 a5 a4 33 03 01 02
> 00000010: 00 01

This shows a Get-Config-Descriptor request followed by a 
Get-Device-Descriptor request.  What is the reason for the line saying 
"g_file_storage gadget: in handle_exception loop"?  There should not 
have been any exceptions.

Alan Stern

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