On Thu, 30 May 2013, Hans de Goede wrote:

> +What:                /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../bConfigurationValue
> +KernelVersion:       since atleast 2.6.18

s/atleast/at least/ and ditto for the preceding entry.

> +Description:
> +             bConfigurationValue of the *active* configuration for the
> +             device.

Here we need to mention that writing to bConfigurationValue will change 
or reset the active configuration.  Note that some devices, in 
violation of the USB spec, have a configuration with value equal to 0.  
Writing 0 to bConfigurationValue for these devices will install that 
configuration; to unconfigure the device, write -1 to 
bConfigurationValue.  (This also works with compliant devices.)

Alan Stern

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