Greg KH <> writes:

> On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 02:46:21AM +0200, Alexander Shishkin wrote:
>> The driver also has interrupt counters and another ring buffer for keeping
>> track of the order in which they arrive. This patch converts these counters
>> to trace points. Userspace tools such as perf can provide information on both
>> order and stats of the interrupts.
> Why would perf care about a single driver?  Why would a user?  Why are

Sorry, I don't understand these questions. That paragraph was trying to
say that if you still want the information that the old event buffer
provided, use perf.

> these needed at all for anyone except the driver developer?

One would think that tracepoints in $X part of the kernel are only ever
of interest to the developers of $X with a few exeptions in sched and mm.

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