
On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Thomas Abraham
<thomas.abra...@linaro.org> wrote:
>> I can see your point, but as I mentioned earlier there seems to be some 
>> timing issue here. By simply doing the reset a few ms earlier (in the first 
>> probe, before the driver detects that it needs to defer probing), I already 
>> can't find the hub on the bus later.
>> So I'm assuming that the same thing would also happen if I put it even 
>> earlier in machine init.
> True, I missed that point. The usb hub connected over hsic interface,
> after power-on-reset, might have initiated the 'connect' state on
> seeing the idle condition on the bus and since the host/phy controller
> is not ready yet, the connect might have failed.
> So the correct sequence would be, after the usb host controller and
> the phy controllers are initialized, the 'reset' pin on the on-board
> usb hub should be asserted. Upon releasing that reset, the usb hub
> would initiate the 'connect' state on the HSIC bus.

I think we ran into similar issues on one of our boards that had a hub
attached to the HSIC port.  We had to make our fix in a version of the
code that's nowhere near what landed upstream (so our change is not
relevant), but we're definitely interested in whatever solution you
come up with.  :)

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