On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 01:01:48PM +0200, Alexander Shishkin wrote:
> Greg KH <gre...@linuxfoundation.org> writes:
> > On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 05:12:45PM +0800, Peter Chen wrote:
> >> Hi Alex,
> >> 
> >> Do we have a chipidea repo which is queued for mainline?
> >> We have several patchsets for chipidea these monthes, I
> >> don't know their status. For me, I would like based
> >> on your tree if it exists.
> >
> > Yeah, I would like to know what is going on here as well.  I've seen a
> > ton of chipidea patches floating around, but none seem to ever make it
> > to me.  Any thoughts as to how to resolve this?
> I did miss the merge window for 3.9, that's a fact. It is my current
> intention to send all the pending patches that I have stacked and that
> have been reviewed to you after -rc1 is tagged, because right now you
> probably won't apply them to usb-next anyway.
> There are a few patchsets floating around that still require more review
> and potentially more work, but with any luck we can have those sorted
> out by the next merge window.

We have a branch which represents the current patches
floating arround. Its basically the master tree from
https://github.com/hzpeterchen/linux-usb.git rebased
on current linus master.

It can be found @
http://git.pengutronix.de/git/mgr/linux.git chipidea-for-v3.10



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