Prolific has developed a new USB to UART chip: PL2303HXN
PL2303HXN : PL2303GC/PL2303GS/PL2303GT/PL2303GL/PL2303GE/PL2303GB
The Vendor request used by the PL2303HXN (TYPE_HXN) is different from
the existing PL2303 series (TYPE_HX & TYPE_01).
Therefore, different Vendor requests are used to issue related commands.

1. Added a new TYPE_HXN type in pl2303_type_data, and then executes
   new Vendor request,new flow control and other related instructions
   if TYPE_HXN is recognized.

2. Because the new PL2303HXN only accept the new Vendor request,
   the old Vendor request cannot be accepted (the error message
   will be returned)
   So first determine the TYPE_HX or TYPE_HXN through
   PL2303_READ_TYPE_HX_STATUS in pl2303_startup.

  2.1 If the return message is "1", then the PL2303 is the existing
      TYPE_HX/ TYPE_01 series.
      The other settings in pl2303_startup are to continue execution.
  2.2 If the return message is "not 1", then the PL2303 is the new
      TYPE_HXN series.
      The other settings in pl2303_startup are ignored.
      (PL2303HXN will directly use the default value in the hardware,
       no need to add additional settings through the software)

3. In pl2303_open: Because TYPE_HXN is different from the instruction of reset
   down/up stream used by TYPE_HX.
   Therefore, we will also execute different instructions here.

4. In pl2303_set_termios: The UART flow control instructions used by
   TYPE_HXN/TYPE_HX/TYPE_01 are different.
   Therefore, we will also execute different instructions here.

5. In pl2303_vendor_read & pl2303_vendor_write, since TYPE_HXN is different
   from the vendor request instruction used by TYPE_HX/TYPE_01,
   it will also execute different instructions here.

6. In pl2303_update_reg: TYPE_HXN used different register for flow control.
   Therefore, we will also execute different instructions here.

Signed-off-by: Charles Yeh <>
1. Redefine some register name.
2. Sorted by address, and bit masks and value by bit order.

1. Add PL2303_HXN_RESET_CONTROL_MASK define.
2. In pl2303_open,use PL2303_HXN_RESET_CONTROL_MASK & PL2303_HXN_RESET_CONTROL
   to reset the upstream and downstream pipe data
3. Ignore "WARNING: line over 80 characters" at #776,#782,#790

1. Modify pl2303_update_reg:TYPE_HXN used different register for flow control.
   Therefore, we will also execute different instructions here.
2. Modify define name: PL2303_HXN_RESET_DOWN_UPSTREAM to
3. Re-Sorting flow-control register definition by address.
4. Indent continuation lines at least tw tabs.
5. In pl2303_open,modify reset the upstream and downstream pipe data: 0x00 to

1. Modify pl2303_update_reg
2. add a patch version on subject
3. add a space after each colon at subject line
 drivers/usb/serial/pl2303.c | 124 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 drivers/usb/serial/pl2303.h |   6 ++
 2 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/pl2303.c b/drivers/usb/serial/pl2303.c
index 9d27b76c5c6e..1dbd69280d07 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/pl2303.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/pl2303.c
@@ -47,6 +47,12 @@ static const struct usb_device_id id_table[] = {
@@ -130,9 +136,11 @@ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, id_table);
 #define VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST_TYPE      0x40
 #define VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST           0x01
+#define VENDOR_WRITE_NREQUEST          0x80
 #define VENDOR_READ_REQUEST_TYPE       0xc0
 #define VENDOR_READ_REQUEST            0x01
+#define VENDOR_READ_NREQUEST           0x81
 #define UART_STATE_INDEX               8
 #define UART_STATE_MSR_MASK            0x8b
@@ -148,11 +156,24 @@ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, id_table);
 #define PL2303_FLOWCTRL_MASK           0xf0
+#define PL2303_READ_TYPE_HX_STATUS     0x8080
+#define PL2303_HXN_RESET_REG           0x07
+#define PL2303_HXN_RESET_UPSTREAM_PIPE 0x02
+#define PL2303_HXN_RESET_DOWNSTREAM_PIPE       0x01
+#define PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_REG                0x0A
+#define PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_MASK       0x1C
+#define PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_NONE       0x1C
+#define PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_RTS_CTS    0x18
+#define PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_XON_XOFF   0x0C
 static void pl2303_set_break(struct usb_serial_port *port, bool enable);
 enum pl2303_type {
        TYPE_01,        /* Type 0 and 1 (difference unknown) */
        TYPE_HX,        /* HX version of the pl2303 chip */
+       TYPE_HXN,       /* HXN version of the pl2303 chip */
@@ -184,16 +205,26 @@ static const struct pl2303_type_data 
pl2303_type_data[TYPE_COUNT] = {
        [TYPE_HX] = {
                .max_baud_rate          = 12000000,
+       [TYPE_HXN] = {
+               .max_baud_rate          = 12000000,
+       },
 static int pl2303_vendor_read(struct usb_serial *serial, u16 value,
                                                        unsigned char buf[1])
        struct device *dev = &serial->interface->dev;
+       struct pl2303_serial_private *spriv = usb_get_serial_data(serial);
        int res;
+       u8 request;
+       if (spriv->type == &pl2303_type_data[TYPE_HXN])
+               request = VENDOR_READ_NREQUEST;
+       else
+               request = VENDOR_READ_REQUEST;
        res = usb_control_msg(serial->dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(serial->dev, 0),
+                       request, VENDOR_READ_REQUEST_TYPE,
                        value, 0, buf, 1, 100);
        if (res != 1) {
                dev_err(dev, "%s - failed to read [%04x]: %d\n", __func__,
@@ -212,12 +243,19 @@ static int pl2303_vendor_read(struct usb_serial *serial, 
u16 value,
 static int pl2303_vendor_write(struct usb_serial *serial, u16 value, u16 index)
        struct device *dev = &serial->interface->dev;
+       struct pl2303_serial_private *spriv = usb_get_serial_data(serial);
        int res;
+       u8 request;
        dev_dbg(dev, "%s - [%04x] = %02x\n", __func__, value, index);
+       if (spriv->type == &pl2303_type_data[TYPE_HXN])
+               request = VENDOR_WRITE_NREQUEST;
+       else
+               request = VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST;
        res = usb_control_msg(serial->dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(serial->dev, 0),
+                       request, VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST_TYPE,
                        value, index, NULL, 0, 100);
        if (res) {
                dev_err(dev, "%s - failed to write [%04x]: %d\n", __func__,
@@ -232,12 +270,17 @@ static int pl2303_update_reg(struct usb_serial *serial, 
u8 reg, u8 mask, u8 val)
        int ret = 0;
        u8 *buf;
+       struct pl2303_serial_private *spriv = usb_get_serial_data(serial);
        buf = kmalloc(1, GFP_KERNEL);
        if (!buf)
                return -ENOMEM;
-       ret = pl2303_vendor_read(serial, reg | 0x80, buf);
+       if (spriv->type == &pl2303_type_data[TYPE_HXN])
+               ret = pl2303_vendor_read(serial, reg, buf);
+       else
+               ret = pl2303_vendor_read(serial, reg | 0x80, buf);
        if (ret)
                goto out_free;
@@ -320,6 +363,7 @@ static int pl2303_startup(struct usb_serial *serial)
        struct pl2303_serial_private *spriv;
        enum pl2303_type type = TYPE_01;
        unsigned char *buf;
+       int res;
        spriv = kzalloc(sizeof(*spriv), GFP_KERNEL);
        if (!spriv)
@@ -341,26 +385,37 @@ static int pl2303_startup(struct usb_serial *serial)
                type = TYPE_01;         /* type 1 */
        dev_dbg(&serial->interface->dev, "device type: %d\n", type);
+       if (type == TYPE_HX) {
+               res = usb_control_msg(serial->dev,
+                               usb_rcvctrlpipe(serial->dev, 0),
+                               VENDOR_READ_REQUEST, VENDOR_READ_REQUEST_TYPE,
+                               PL2303_READ_TYPE_HX_STATUS, 0, buf, 1, 100);
+               if (res != 1)
+                       type = TYPE_HXN;
+       }
        spriv->type = &pl2303_type_data[type];
        spriv->quirks = (unsigned long)usb_get_serial_data(serial);
        spriv->quirks |= spriv->type->quirks;
        usb_set_serial_data(serial, spriv);
-       pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8484, buf);
-       pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 0x0404, 0);
-       pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8484, buf);
-       pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8383, buf);
-       pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8484, buf);
-       pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 0x0404, 1);
-       pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8484, buf);
-       pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8383, buf);
-       pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 0, 1);
-       pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 1, 0);
-       if (spriv->quirks & PL2303_QUIRK_LEGACY)
-               pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 2, 0x24);
-       else
-               pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 2, 0x44);
+       if (type != TYPE_HXN) {
+               pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8484, buf);
+               pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 0x0404, 0);
+               pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8484, buf);
+               pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8383, buf);
+               pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8484, buf);
+               pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 0x0404, 1);
+               pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8484, buf);
+               pl2303_vendor_read(serial, 0x8383, buf);
+               pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 0, 1);
+               pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 1, 0);
+               if (spriv->quirks & PL2303_QUIRK_LEGACY)
+                       pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 2, 0x24);
+               else
+                       pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 2, 0x44);
+       }
@@ -719,14 +774,31 @@ static void pl2303_set_termios(struct tty_struct *tty,
        if (C_CRTSCTS(tty)) {
-               if (spriv->quirks & PL2303_QUIRK_LEGACY)
+               if (spriv->quirks & PL2303_QUIRK_LEGACY) {
                        pl2303_update_reg(serial, 0, PL2303_FLOWCTRL_MASK, 
-               else
+               } else if (spriv->type == &pl2303_type_data[TYPE_HXN]) {
+                       pl2303_update_reg(serial, PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_REG,
+                                       PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_MASK,
+                                       PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_RTS_CTS);
+               } else {
                        pl2303_update_reg(serial, 0, PL2303_FLOWCTRL_MASK, 
+               }
        } else if (pl2303_enable_xonxoff(tty, spriv->type)) {
-               pl2303_update_reg(serial, 0, PL2303_FLOWCTRL_MASK, 0xc0);
+               if (spriv->type == &pl2303_type_data[TYPE_HXN]) {
+                       pl2303_update_reg(serial, PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_REG,
+                                       PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_MASK,
+                                       PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_XON_XOFF);
+               } else {
+                       pl2303_update_reg(serial, 0, PL2303_FLOWCTRL_MASK, 
+               }
        } else {
-               pl2303_update_reg(serial, 0, PL2303_FLOWCTRL_MASK, 0);
+               if (spriv->type == &pl2303_type_data[TYPE_HXN]) {
+                       pl2303_update_reg(serial, PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_REG,
+                                       PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_MASK,
+                                       PL2303_HXN_FLOWCTRL_NONE);
+               } else {
+                       pl2303_update_reg(serial, 0, PL2303_FLOWCTRL_MASK, 0);
+               }
@@ -767,8 +839,14 @@ static int pl2303_open(struct tty_struct *tty, struct 
usb_serial_port *port)
                usb_clear_halt(serial->dev, port->read_urb->pipe);
        } else {
                /* reset upstream data pipes */
-               pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 8, 0);
-               pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 9, 0);
+               if (spriv->type == &pl2303_type_data[TYPE_HXN]) {
+                       pl2303_vendor_write(serial, PL2303_HXN_RESET_REG,
+                                       PL2303_HXN_RESET_UPSTREAM_PIPE |
+                                       PL2303_HXN_RESET_DOWNSTREAM_PIPE);
+               } else {
+                       pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 8, 0);
+                       pl2303_vendor_write(serial, 9, 0);
+               }
        /* Setup termios */
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/pl2303.h b/drivers/usb/serial/pl2303.h
index b0175f17d1a2..ff6c1a45daf6 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/pl2303.h
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/pl2303.h
@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@
 #define PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_HCR331       0x331a
 #define PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_MOTOROLA     0x0307
 #define PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_ZTEK         0xe1f1
+#define PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_GC           0x23A3
+#define PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_GB           0x23B3
+#define PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_GT           0x23C3
+#define PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_GL           0x23D3
+#define PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_GE           0x23E3
+#define PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_GS           0x23F3
 #define ATEN_VENDOR_ID         0x0557

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