> > What better suggestion do folks have, instead of using
> The spec is clear: wIndex is supposed to be 'NCM Communications Interface'.
> That's how you address a specific NCM function (a USB device can have more
> than one...), and that's what you'll see in all the other interface specific 
> class
> requests in this driver.  You don't have to look hard to find examples.
> Bjørn

I have presented what works, with the v3 patch series.  Since you obviously do 
not like what does work, I will ask you to provide clear and concise code for 
what you believe ought to work.  Mind you, the code I have provided sends the 
exact same USB message as I traced with Wireshark on my Windows system.  If you 
can provide good working code that replicates what I have provided, I would be 

Thank you,

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