On 09-08-19 14:38, Schmid, Carsten wrote:
Hi again,
Hey, i did not want to trigger an eartquake in the basement of the kernel ;-)
My intention was to prevent some crashes, and help developers to find their
I think my patch exactly does this.
Hehe, actually drivers not being able to block unbind has been bugging me
a while now, because there are cases where this would be really helpful.
1) make resources refcounted, have child resources take a ref on the parent
2) Disallow unbind on devices with bound child-devices?
Exactly what i was thinking of in first attempts.
But i fear that would break even more use cases.
Hans, directly regarding the driver:
The problem i see is that the xhci_intel_unregister_pdev which is added
as an action with devm_add_action_or_reset() is called late by the framework,
later than the usb_hcd_pci_remove() in xhci_pci_remove.
Is there any chance to trigger this before?
This is what Greg meant with "right order".
Ah, I missed that part, sure that should be easy, just stop using
devm_add_action_or_reset() and do the xhci_intel_unregister_pdev()
manually at the right time. The downside of this is that you also
need to make sure it happens at the right time from probe error-paths
but given the bug you are hitting, I guess that is probably
already a problem.
Sure, will have a look at this. I think i have found where to do that,
but need to check how to get the pdev pointer there ....
You probably need to store the pdev pointer in one of the xhci driver's
private data structs.