Am Dienstag, den 02.07.2019, 22:05 +0800 schrieb JC Kuo: Hi,
> I don't see the uas issue myself. I was trying to describe a situation that > user having issue with UAS storage and would like to blacklist uas module when > the user is not aware of the usb-storage quirks parameter. > > So we are not meeting the expectations of some users. Ideally we would. Yet there are things we cannot do. > UAS capable devices are backward-compatible with legacy Bulk-only protocol. > Therefore, IMHO, ideally if system software doesn't have UAS support, system Exact. At compilation time this is a valid consideration. > software should enable the UAS device with Bulk-only protocol, unless > usb-storage driver is not there as well. What you could do, if we cannot change what the kernel does, is improving documentation. We can at least tell users how it is done correctly. Regards Oliver