Thinh Nguyen wrote:
> Felipe Balbi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thinh Nguyen <> writes:
>>>>>  static int __dwc3_gadget_ep_queue(struct dwc3_ep *dep, struct
>>>>> dwc3_request *req)
>>>>> Would there be any obvious draw-back to going down this route? The thing
>>>>> is that, as it is, it seems like we will *always* have some corner case
>>>>> where we can't guarantee that we can even start a transfer since there's
>>>>> no upper-bound between XferNotReady and gadget driver finally queueing a
>>>>> request. Also, I can't simply read DSTS for the frame number because of
>>>>> top-most 2 bits.
>>>> For non-affected version of the IP, the xfernotready -> starttransfer
>>>> time will have to be off by more than a couple seconds for the driver
>>>> to produce an incorrect 16-bit frame number. If you're seeing errors
>>>> here, maybe we just need to code review the relevant sections to make
>>>> sure the 14/16-bit and rollover conditions are all handled correctly.
>>> I think what Felipe may see is some delay in the system that causes the
>>> SW to not handle XferNotReady event in time. We already have the "retry"
>>> method handle that to a certain extend.
>>>> But I can't think of any obvious drawbacks of the quirk, other than
>>>> doing some unnecessary work, which shouldn't produce any bad
>>>> side-effects. But we haven't really tested that.
>>> The workaround for the isoc_quirk requires 2 tries sending
>>> START_TRANSFER command. This means that you have to account the delay of
>>> that command completion plus potentially 1 more END_TRANSFER completion.
>>> That's why the quirk gives a buffer of at least 4 uframes of the
>>> scheduled isoc frame. So, it cannot schedule immediately on the next
>>> uframe, that's one of the drawbacks.
>>> Hi Felipe,
>>> Since you're asking this, it means you're still seeing issue with your
>>> setup despite retrying to send START_TRANSFER command 5 times. What's
>>> the worse delay responding to XferNotReady you're seeing in your setup?
>> There's no upper-bound on how long the gadget will take to enqueue a
>> request. We see problems with UVC gadget all the time. It can take a lot
>> of time to decide to enqueue data.
> That's why there's a mechanism in the controller to return bus-expiry
> status to let the SW know if it had scheduled isoc too late. SW can do 2
> things: 1) re-schedule at a later timer or 2) send END_TRANSFER command
> to wait for the next XferNotReady to try again.
>> Usually I hear this from folks using UVC gadget with a real sensor on
>> the background.
>> I've seen gadget enqueueing as far as 20 intervals in the future. But
>> remember, there's no upper-bound. And that's the problem. If we could
>> just read the frame number from DSTS and use that, we wouldn't have any
>> issues. But since DSTS only contains 14 our of the 16 bits the
>> controller needs, then we can't really use that.
> You can create another quirk for devices that have this behavior to use
> frame number in DSTS instead.  As John had pointed out and mentioned, 
> this will only work if the service interval and the delay in the
> scheduling of isoc is within 2 seconds.
> You will need to calculate this value along with BIT(15) and BIT(14) of
> XferNotReady for rollovers.
>> To me, it seems like this part of the controller wasn't well
>> thought-out. These extra two bits, perhaps, should be internal to the
>> controller and SW should have no knowledge that they exist.
> These values are internal. SW should not have knowledge of it. This
> implementation will not follow the programming guide and should be used
> as a quirk for devices that are too slow to handle the XferNotReady
> event but want to schedule isoc immediately after handling the event.

Correction: these values are not internal. (somehow I was thinking the
schedule time is calculated internally with the 16-bit value led me to
say that they are internal).


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