On Thu, 13 Jun 2019, Mayuresh Kulkarni wrote:

> Hi Alan,
> Thanks for your review and apologies for late response from me. I was on PTO 
> last week and then in a training this week.
> > Aside from the issues Greg raised, it isn't right because it relies on 
> > the suspend and resume callbacks for individual interfaces, not for the 
> > whole device.  There are a few other things that should be changed as 
> > well.
> In our use-case, we open the USB device with our VID/PID and then using that 
> fd
> we bind to our interface. So this approach probably worked for our use-case.

Yes.  But it seems more reliable to use suspend/resume information for 
the whole device, instead of assuming that the userspace program will 
have claimed an interface.

> > Below is my attempt at doing the same thing (not tested, and it doesn't
> > answer all of Greg's objections).  It is very similar to your patch.  
> > Does it work for your application?
> > 
> I am checking your code-changes and will get back to you on this by next week.
> > (Note: I imagine you might run into trouble because devices generally 
> > do not get put into runtime suspend immediately.  So if you call the 
> > USBDEVFS_SUSPEND ioctl and then the USBDEVFS_WAIT_FOR_RESUME ioctl, the 
> > wait will return immediately because the device hasn't yet been 
> > suspended.)
> > 
> For this point, I am suggesting below -
> How about we return "udev->dev.power.usage_count" from suspend ioctl?
> count = 0 -> suspend success so good to call wait-for-resume ioctl
> count != 0 -> don't call resume since suspend did not happen.
> Will that work?

No, it will not.  The usage_count value can change at any time, so it 
will be out-of-date by the time the ioctl returns.  Furthermore, even 
if usage_count is > 0 when the suspend ioctl returns, it may become 0 
later on, and the device will be suspended some time after that.

In fact, if you use the default settings for USB autosuspend, the 
device won't be suspended until 2 seconds after the usage_count becomes 
0.  So even if the suspend ioctl decrements usage_count to 0, the 
device still won't be suspended right away.  If you call the 
wait-for-resume ioctl immediately, the call will fail.

Alan Stern

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