On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Steve Calfee <stevecal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Alan Stern <st...@rowland.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> On Sun, 16 Dec 2012, Vincent Pelletier wrote:
>>> Le dimanche 16 décembre 2012 20:46:38, Vincent Pelletier a écrit :
>>> > I checked the specs, and the warnings about wMaxPacketSize seem
>>> > justified (although it's unclear to me wether wMaxPacketSize is
>>> > restricted to exactly 512B in HS, or only upper-bound at 512B).
>>> Another reply to myself:
>>> Tested USB device uses a Cypress FX2LP:
>>>   http://www.summitsoftconsulting.com/picts/iti_pcb_top.jpg
>>> I checked the FX2LP specs, and endpoint 1 in both directions is hardwired to
>>> wMaxPacketSize of 64. I believe the FX2LP is quite widespread (judging by 
>>> the
>>> availability of a GPL toolchain for it and two CLI tools to send its
>>> firmware), so those warnings might cause redundant bug reports.
>> It does seem odd that people would buy and use these chips even
>> though they are explicitly in violation of the USB specification.  A
>> device containing one of these things could never pass the USB-CV
>> verification test.
>> It may be possible for xhci-hcd to work around the bug (by internally
>> changing wMaxPacketSize to 512).
> It does not need to be worked around. The fx2 docs specifically say
> ep1 cannot be used as a bulk endpoint in HS mode. Vincent, RTFM,
> Cypress has good, downloadable chip docs. Ep1 can either be a legal
> int/iso endpoint or just not used - all specified in the
> device/interface descriptors. Nothing in the USB spec requires all
> device endpoints to be used, or that interfaces have sequentially
> numbered endpoints.
> Regards, Steve

Hi, Vincent,

After reading the first message in the thread I realized that you are
not writing the fx2 device, but are trying to use a device you
purchased. Sorry. The fx2 is not at fault, the device has a bad,
invalid endpoint descriptor for ep1. I doubt if they are using the ep,
just defining it. Perhaps you could contact the manufacturer?

Regards, Steve
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