With apologies for the fake "Re:"- I can't easily reply to the original thread, since I wasn't subscribed at the time. I'm referring to Robert Bielik's thread from February 2018.
I'm trying to develop an audio device using the USB Gadget system. f_uac1 works with stereo, but breaks when I try to use 8 channels- the captured stream is corrupt in a variety of interesting ways. f_uac2 works perfectly on a macOS host, and I would prefer to use the newer standard in any case. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with Windows 10 at the moment, as detailed in the aforementioned thread. It looks like a potential solution was found (add a feedback endpoint), but a serious performance concern was noted. I was wondering whether anyone is interested in revisiting this. There's a fairly considerable DIY audio community, and I think the potential of USB Gadget based audio devices is underappreciated- but native Windows 10 support would be necessary for any serious project. Many thanks to anyone who can investigate