Bin Liu,

Sorry for the delay and thank you for your reply!

On 3/22/19 2:10 PM, Bin Liu wrote:
> The plan is to remove otg SRP/HNP protocol support from musb driver,
> since it appears nobody uses it. But in currently kernel the protocols
> are just disabled, the code is not removed yet.

Oh, I see, so I was misunderstanding. I think the whole "dual role"
functionality was going to be removed.

> Do you use SRP or HNP? Can you please provide more details what stops
> working?

No, I don't, I just use the USBx_ID pin connected to the fifth pin of
the MicroUSB connector.

Upgrading from kernel 4.14.x to 4.19.x it stopped working and I wrongly
deduced that it was related to you patch. In facts I now tried to revert
it with no success.

The pin stays in high impedance and it's never pulled up.

I will now try to better troubleshoot the issue by manually read and
write registers to understand what is happening and report you back!

Thank you in the meantime!

  Daniele Orlandi

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