Rumbling function on SHANWAN DS3 clone joystick doesn't work.
Meanwhile it can work fine on Windows ScpToolkit v1.7.277.16103-BETA.
(Tested with PCSX2 lilypad Win32 build).
SDL2/test/testhaptic was able to find out its supported effect. But NO
rumble at all.
INFO: 1 Haptic devices detected.
INFO: Device: SHANWAN PS3 GamePad
INFO:    Supported effects [16 effects, 16 playing]:
INFO:       sine
INFO:       triangle
INFO:       left/right
INFO:    Supported capabilities:
INFO:       gain
Uploading effects
INFO:    effect 0: Sine Wave
INFO:    effect 1: Left/Right
Now playing effects for 5 seconds each with 1 second delay between
INFO:    Playing effect 0
INFO:    Playing effect 1

Bus 001 Device 017: ID 054c:0268 Sony Corp. Batoh Device / PlayStation
3 Controller

lsusb -v:
Bus 001 Device 017: ID 054c:0268 Sony Corp. Batoh Device / PlayStation
3 Controller
Device Descriptor:
  bLength                18
  bDescriptorType         1
  bcdUSB               1.10
  bDeviceClass            0
  bDeviceSubClass         0
  bDeviceProtocol         0
  bMaxPacketSize0        64
  idVendor           0x054c Sony Corp.
  idProduct          0x0268 Batoh Device / PlayStation 3 Controller
  bcdDevice            1.00
  iManufacturer           1 SHANWAN
  iProduct                2 PS3 GamePad
  iSerial                 0
  bNumConfigurations      1
  Configuration Descriptor:
    bLength                 9
    bDescriptorType         2
    wTotalLength       0x0029
    bNumInterfaces          1
    bConfigurationValue     1
    iConfiguration          0
    bmAttributes         0x80
      (Bus Powered)
    MaxPower              500mA
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        0
      bAlternateSetting       0
      bNumEndpoints           2
      bInterfaceClass         3 Human Interface Device
      bInterfaceSubClass      0
      bInterfaceProtocol      0
      iInterface              0
        HID Device Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType        33
          bcdHID               1.10
          bCountryCode            0 Not supported
          bNumDescriptors         1
          bDescriptorType        34 Report
          wDescriptorLength     148
         Report Descriptors:
           ** UNAVAILABLE **
      Endpoint Descriptor:
        bLength                 7
        bDescriptorType         5
        bEndpointAddress     0x02  EP 2 OUT
        bmAttributes            3
          Transfer Type            Interrupt
          Synch Type               None
          Usage Type               Data
        wMaxPacketSize     0x0040  1x 64 bytes
        bInterval               1
      Endpoint Descriptor:
        bLength                 7
        bDescriptorType         5
        bEndpointAddress     0x81  EP 1 IN
        bmAttributes            3
          Transfer Type            Interrupt
          Synch Type               None
          Usage Type               Data
        wMaxPacketSize     0x0040  1x 64 bytes
        bInterval               1
Device Status:     0x0004
  (Bus Powered)
  Test Mode

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