On Sat, 1 Dec 2012, Piergiorgio Sartor wrote:

> Hi Alan,
> I updated the bugzilla entry with some attachments.
> One (split in two) is the log from usbmon with the patch
> you provided (I hope I did it correctly).

This usbmon trace doesn't contain anything significantly different from
the previous one.  You can delete the two big files from the bug report 
if you want.

More importantly, where's the dmesg output from the patch?

> The other is an archive with all the register information
> I could think of.
> I tested with 4 HDDs only and I was not able to see a crash
> of the USB subsystem.
> About using only one HUB, that might be a bit tricky, but
> since each HUB has 4 ports (the 1-to-7 has internally two
> 1-to-4 cascaded) I guess I've only to make sure the 4 HDDs
> was *not* running on single HUB.
> If it was, then a different connection must be tested,
> otherwise, I guess, we will not get more information by
> connecting the 4 HDDs to a single HUB.

It's not clear...  In fact, using fewer drives and hubs may not provide 
any useful information at all.  This is just trying whatever I can 
think of to see what's going wrong.

> The problem I've is that it is not really easy to
> convert from /dev/sdX to lsusb to SCSI mappings...

The necessary information is all there in the dmesg log.

Alan Stern

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