On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 4:16 PM Martin Blumenstingl
<martin.blumensti...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> unfortunately it seems that plugging in seems to fill the kmsg buffer
> instantly, so I cannot (at least I don't know how - do you have any
> idea how to get around this?) get the information from the second
> where I'm plugging in the thumb drive
> I attached everything I have
I forgot to mention: I switched boards this time - my previous logs
were from a Meson8m2 board
to rule out that the board itself is faulty I switched to an Odroid-C1
(Meson8b) this time -> there's a 4-port USB hub hard-wired on the
Odroid-C1 which you can see in the kernel logs (just in case you are
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