On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 05:04:49PM +0200, Daniele Palmas wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an issue with an USB mbim modem when trying to send with ping
> more than 14552 bytes: it looks like to me a kernel issue, but not at
> the cdc_mbim or cdc_ncm level, anyway not sure, so I'm reporting the
> issue.
> My kernel is 4.16. The device is the following:

Does older kernels work, or is this something that has always been

I ask, as my mobile provider does horrible things to large packet sizes.
So much so that I have to set the mtu to 1280 just to get things to work
properly when tethering my phone through to my laptop.  So this might be
a network provider issue :)


greg k-h
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