On 05/23/2018 03:22 AM, Michael Grzeschik wrote:
> As the amount of available ports varies by the kernels build
> configuration. To remove the limitation of the fixed 128 ports
> we allocate the amount of idevs by using the number we get
> from the kernel.
> Signed-off-by: Michael Grzeschik <m.grzesc...@pengutronix.de>
> ---
> v1 -> v2: - reworked memory allocation into one calloc call
>           - added error path on allocation failure
> v2 -> v3: - moved check for available nports to beginning of function

Hmm. With this patch I see a segfault when I run usbip port command.
I think this patch is incomplete and more changes are needed to the
code that references the idev array.

I can't take this patch.

-- Shuah
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