Zitat von Greg KH <gre...@linuxfoundation.org>:

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 07:03:28PM +0200, Guido Kiener wrote:
- add USBTMC488_IOCTL_TRIGGER to send TRIGGER Bulk-OUT header
  according to Subclass USB488 Specification

  The usbtmc trigger command is equivalent to the IEEE 488 GET (Group
  Execute Trigger) action. While the "*TRG" command can be sent as
  data to perform the same operation, in some situations an instrument
  will be busy and unable to process the data immediately in which
  case the USBTMC488_IOCTL_TRIGGER can be used to trigger the
  instrument with lower latency.

- add USBTMC_IOCTL_EOM_ENABLE to specify EOM bit for next write()
  call. Sets Bit 0 of field 'bmTransferAttributes' of DEV_DEP_MSG_OUT
  Bulk-OUT Header.

  Allows fine grained control over end of message handling on a
  per file descriptor basis.

- add USBTMC_IOCTL_CONFIG_TERMCHAR to control TermChar handling
  for next read(). Controls field 'TermChar' and Bit 1 of field
  'bmTransferAttributes' of REQUEST_DEV_DEP_MSG_IN BULK-OUT header.

  Allows enabling/disabling of terminating a read on reception of
  term_char individually for each read request.

Why isn't this 3 patches?  Please only do "one thing per patch".

I just thought it is clearly arranged. Please let me know when you
want to see a breakup of other patches as well.
However I would be happy when I could save some extra work here.
In the middle of next week I start my holiday.


greg k-h

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