Thanks for your feedback! I think I'm beginning to better understand
what's going on. When I originally got the X360-emulated device working
on the loopback interface, I left out several class descriptors and an
interface with no endpoints (but has a vendor-specific descriptor
following it). Reason being, whenever I attempted to add those
descriptors (either by pushing the bytes manually or creating a
descriptor-like struct and pushing that (effectively the same thing)) to
endpoint 0, I would get: OSError 22: Invalid Argument.
Here's the 4 class & vendor descriptors in question:
1: [17,33,0,1,1,37,129,20,0,0,0,0,19,2,8,0,0,]
2: [27,33,0,1,1,1,131,64,1,4,32,22,133,0,0,0,0,0,0,22,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,]
3: [9,33,0,1,1,34,134,7,0,]
4: [6,65,0,1,1,3]
They're all after an interface descriptor and before their endpoint
So, that's my current roadblock. I don't know how to send those. Can
you/someone help describe to me how (or where I can find out how) I can
do so? (Sending class/vendor descriptors and interfaces with no
endpoints.) Is that something I can do with FunctionFS?
Mean time. I'm going to be looking over the generic XInput device
again, but I may end up running into the same problem there.
On 4/17/2018 8:56 AM, Krzysztof Opasiak wrote:
On 04/17/2018 04:03 AM, Daniel Hefti wrote:
Hey guys,
I've been banging my head against the wall for a couple of days trying
to get a Raspberry Pi 0W to talk to Windows (8.1/10) as an XInput game
controller using ConfigFS and FunctionFS, having little success. I've
tried to build both a generic XInput device and one that attempts to
emulate an X360 controller. The X360 controller seems to get
"further", in that Windows says it recognizes the device and the
drivers are working. Whatever that means. The generic version just
shows up as an unrecognized device (with the name I've given it).
Neither are getting or able to send any data from/to their respective
endpoints. The X360 version, I tested locally via loopback/dummy UDC,
and the xboxdrv driver can detect and read controller state
messages/reports I send it, so at least that much works. Not sure
what I could possibly be missing.
I can say I've successfully created HID USB game controller devices.
Those are accessible from Windows, but, unfortunately, many Windows
games don't support HID particularly well, and I'm trying to avoid
someone having to use something like XOutput as a workaround to get
this device to work.
I do have Wireshark with USBPCap installed, so I can at least capture
some of the data, which I did, but it wasn't really leading me
anywhere, possibly due to my lack of knowledge in this particular
subject. Unfortunately, I didn't save my pcap results. I'll likely
end up doing it again once I've given my head some time to heal.
Any insights? References? Something you think could help guide me in
the right direction? There's plenty of documentation and example
implementations out there for HID devices, but not so much for XInput
devices and functionfs in general, so any help would be greatly
Did you check that you provided all drivers that a physical device does?
Maybe windows requires correct OS descriptors for that device?
That's just some guesses...
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