Hi Bin,

I love your patch! Perhaps something to improve:

[auto build test WARNING on balbi-usb/next]
[also build test WARNING on v4.17-rc1 next-20180417]
[if your patch is applied to the wrong git tree, please drop us a note to help 
improve the system]

base:   https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/balbi/usb.git next

smatch warnings:
drivers/usb/musb/musb_core.c:797 musb_handle_intr_connect() error: we 
previously assumed 'musb->hcd' could be null (see line 783)

git remote add linux-review https://github.com/0day-ci/linux
git remote update linux-review
git checkout 92be75b4fb79173759af42e50a81d0020e945c1e
vim +797 drivers/usb/musb/musb_core.c

1c25fda4a Arnaud Mandy              2009-12-28  745  
92be75b4f Bin Liu                   2018-04-16  746  static void 
musb_handle_intr_connect(struct musb *musb, u8 devctl, u8 int_usb)
92be75b4f Bin Liu                   2018-04-16  747  {
8b125df5b Daniel Mack               2013-04-10  748     struct usb_hcd *hcd = 
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  749  
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  750     musb->is_active = 1;
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  751     musb->ep0_stage = 
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  752  
b18d26f6a Sebastian Andrzej Siewior 2012-10-30  753     musb->intrtxe = 
b18d26f6a Sebastian Andrzej Siewior 2012-10-30  754     
musb_writew(musb->mregs, MUSB_INTRTXE, musb->intrtxe);
af5ec14d4 Sebastian Andrzej Siewior 2012-10-30  755     musb->intrrxe = 
musb->epmask & 0xfffe;
af5ec14d4 Sebastian Andrzej Siewior 2012-10-30  756     
musb_writew(musb->mregs, MUSB_INTRRXE, musb->intrrxe);
d709d22ee Ajay Kumar Gupta          2010-07-08  757     
musb_writeb(musb->mregs, MUSB_INTRUSBE, 0xf7);
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  758     musb->port1_status &= 
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  759                             
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  760                             
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  761                             
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  762     musb->port1_status |= 
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  763                             
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  764  
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  765     /* high vs full speed 
is just a guess until after reset */
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  766     if (devctl & 
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  767             
musb->port1_status |= USB_PORT_STAT_LOW_SPEED;
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  768  
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  769     /* indicate new 
connection to OTG machine */
e47d92545 Antoine Tenart            2014-10-30  770     switch 
(musb->xceiv->otg->state) {
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  771     case 
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  772             if (int_usb & 
b99d3659b Bin Liu                   2016-06-30  773                     
musb_dbg(musb, "HNP: SUSPEND+CONNECT, now b_host");
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  774                     int_usb 
1de00dae8 David Brownell            2009-04-02  775                     goto 
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  776             } else
b99d3659b Bin Liu                   2016-06-30  777                     
musb_dbg(musb, "CONNECT as b_peripheral???");
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  778             break;
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  779     case 
b99d3659b Bin Liu                   2016-06-30  780             musb_dbg(musb, 
"HNP: CONNECT, now b_host");
1de00dae8 David Brownell            2009-04-02  781  b_host:
e47d92545 Antoine Tenart            2014-10-30  782             
musb->xceiv->otg->state = OTG_STATE_B_HOST;
74c2e9360 Daniel Mack               2013-04-10 @783             if (musb->hcd)
74c2e9360 Daniel Mack               2013-04-10  784                     
musb->hcd->self.is_b_host = 1;
1de00dae8 David Brownell            2009-04-02  785             
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  786             break;
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  787     default:
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  788             if ((devctl & 
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  789                             
e47d92545 Antoine Tenart            2014-10-30  790                     
musb->xceiv->otg->state = OTG_STATE_A_HOST;
0b3eba442 Daniel Mack               2013-04-10  791                     if (hcd)
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  792                             
hcd->self.is_b_host = 0;
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  793             }
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  794             break;
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  795     }
1de00dae8 David Brownell            2009-04-02  796  
0b3eba442 Daniel Mack               2013-04-10 @797     
1de00dae8 David Brownell            2009-04-02  798  
b99d3659b Bin Liu                   2016-06-30  799     musb_dbg(musb, "CONNECT 
(%s) devctl %02x",
e47d92545 Antoine Tenart            2014-10-30  800                     
usb_otg_state_string(musb->xceiv->otg->state), devctl);
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  801  }
550a7375f Felipe Balbi              2008-07-24  802  

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