Add new GRXTHRCFG bit field macros for DWC_usb31. The GRXTHRCFG register
fields for DWC_usb31 is as follows:
 | BITS  | Name                     | Description                      |
 | 31:27 | reserved                 |                                  |
 | 26    | UsbRxPktCntSel           | Async ESS receive packet         |
 |       |                          | threshold enable                 |
 | 25:21 | UsbRxPktCnt              | Async ESS receive packet         |
 |       |                          | threshold count                  |
 | 20:16 | UsbMaxRxBurstSize        | Async ESS Max receive burst size |
 | 15    | UsbRxThrNumPktSel_HS_Prd | HS high bandwidth periodic       |
 |       |                          | receive packet threshold enable  |
 | 14:13 | UsbRxThrNumPkt_HS_Prd    | HS high bandwidth periodic       |
 |       |                          | receive packet threshold count   |
 | 12:11 | reserved                 |                                  |
 | 10    | UsbRxThrNumPktSel_Prd    | Periodic ESS receive packet      |
 |       |                          | threshold enable                 |
 | 9:5   | UsbRxThrNumPkt_Prd       | Periodic ESS receive packet      |
 |       |                          | threshold count                  |
 | 4:0   | UsbMaxRxBurstSize_Prd    | Max periodic ESS RX burst size   |

Signed-off-by: Thinh Nguyen <>
 drivers/usb/dwc3/core.h | 10 ++++++++++
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/usb/dwc3/core.h b/drivers/usb/dwc3/core.h
index 1ecdc062df58..8c3f28f3eff8 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/dwc3/core.h
+++ b/drivers/usb/dwc3/core.h
@@ -178,6 +178,16 @@
 #define DWC3_GRXTHRCFG_RXPKTCNT(n) (((n) & 0xf) << 24)
+/* Global RX Threshold Configuration Register for DWC_usb31 only */
+#define DWC31_GRXTHRCFG_MAXRXBURSTSIZE(n)      (((n) & 0x1f) << 16)
+#define DWC31_GRXTHRCFG_RXPKTCNT(n)            (((n) & 0x1f) << 21)
+#define DWC31_GRXTHRCFG_PKTCNTSEL              BIT(26)
+#define DWC31_RXTHRNUMPKTSEL_HS_PRD            BIT(15)
+#define DWC31_RXTHRNUMPKT_HS_PRD(n)            (((n) & 0x3) << 13)
+#define DWC31_RXTHRNUMPKTSEL_PRD               BIT(10)
+#define DWC31_RXTHRNUMPKT_PRD(n)               (((n) & 0x1f) << 5)
+#define DWC31_MAXRXBURSTSIZE_PRD(n)            ((n) & 0x1f)
 /* Global Configuration Register */
 #define DWC3_GCTL_PWRDNSCALE(n)        ((n) << 19)
 #define DWC3_GCTL_U2RSTECN     BIT(16)

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