
Thinh Nguyen <thinh.ngu...@synopsys.com> writes:
>>> Thank you for reviewing the patches. I'll make the change to this patch
>>> for the next merge window. However, can you cherry-pick the other
>>> patches in this series for this merge window? If they also need more
>>> work, please let me know.
>> I don't think it makes sense to pick the others without this, specially
>> since you're touching usb core on patch 2 and I can't apply that. I did,
>> however, take Mass Storage patch setting its max speed to SSP.
> The patch to the usb core is unrelated to this workaround. Only 3 of the 
> patches are related to the workaround. Other updates are independent of 
> it. The ones that are related are marked with 'X' in the list below:
> Thinh Nguyen (15):
>    usb: dwc3: Add SoftReset PHY synchonization delay
>    usb: core: urb: Check SSP isoc ep comp descriptor
>    usb: dwc3: Update DWC_usb31 GTXFIFOSIZ reg fields
>    usb: dwc3: Check IP revision for GTXFIFOSIZ
>    usb: dwc3: Add DWC_usb31 GRXTHRCFG bit fields
>    usb: dwc3: gadget: Check IP revision for GRXTHRCFG
>    usb: dwc3: Add DWC_usb31 GTXTHRCFG reg fields
>    usb: dwc3: Make TX/RX threshold configurable
>    usb: dwc3: Check for ESS TX/RX threshold config
>    usb: dwc3: Dump LSP and BMU debug info
> X usb: dwc3: Track DWC_usb31 VERSIONTYPE
> X usb: dwc3: Add disabling of start_transfer failure quirk
> X usb: dwc3: Add workaround for isoc start transfer failure
>    usb: dwc3: Check controller type before setting speed
>    usb: gadget: mass_storage: Set max_speed to SSP
> It would be great if you can apply them this merge window.

in that case, please rebase only needed patches on top of testing/next
and resend. usb: core change should be done separately and sent to Greg
as a separate patch, not part of this series.


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