On 2012-11-02 22:18, Peter Stuge wrote:
Did you already ask PC Engines? They might recognize the problem.
Either 5536 or the driver may still be the problem, but I think it
would be interesting to ping the vendor.

Sure, sounds wise enough... I just sent an email to their support address. But searching their forums, I saw some advice to disable ehci altogether in case of issues. But that makes it works at USB 1.1 full-speed, which I would prefer to avoid for obvious reasons.

If you'd rather collect more data first then you could compare with
a different operating system running on the same hardware.

This is going to prove difficult, as the board is used as a quasi-production system. I can tinker with kernel compiling options/patches but I definitely have no possibility to put together all that is running on it with another OS.

In fact, I was hoping that someone could enlighten me on the meaning of the succession of kernel messages.

In the meantime I will disable USB power management and confirm my first guess on the issue being PM-related.


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