On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:34:29AM -0400, Alan Stern wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Oct 2012, Ankit wrote:
> > Hi Alan,
> > 
> > Thanks for your response.
> > 
> > Yes, there is a handling of PRC bit in xhci-hub.c
> > 
> > Our query is, at the time of XHCI initialization (inserting xhci-hcd.ko and
> > no USB device is attached), is there PRC and CSC bits should be set?
> > 
> > Our host controller sets PRC and CSC bits at the time of initialization,
> > even though no USB device is attached. At the time of initialization,
> > hub_probe() gets called and in-turn it calls hub_activate(). hub_activate()
> > clears the CSC bit, but PRC bit does not get cleared (in linux 3.6.1).
> > hub_events() has functionality to clear the PRC bit, but initially there is
> > no events from HUB, so hub_events() may not clear the PRC bit. Due to this
> > behavior, when we try to insert a USB device, interrupt does not generate
> > (because, earlier, PRC bit was set and not cleared) and USB device does not
> > get enumerated.
> > 
> > So, would you please tell us, what should be the behavior?
> I believe the hub driver needs to clear the USB_PORT_FEAT_C_RESET and 
> USB_PORT_FEAT_C_OVERCURRENT features along with the other ones in 
> hub_activate().  Would you like to submit a patch to do this?

Alan, I was looking at the port state sections of the xHCI spec, and ran
across this note in section

"The completion of Host Controller Reset (i.e. the HCRST ‘1’ to ‘0’
transition) does not depend on the completion of any port activity other
than entering the Disconnected state. Software shall check the Port
Reset (PR) flag to ensure that the Warm Reset is complete before issuing
any commands to a port."

I think the problems with the host driving a warm port reset on HC reset
goes deeper than just needing to clear the PR and WPR bits on
hub_activate().  Perhaps the xHCI driver needs to wait until PRC is set
for all ports in xhci_init(), so that khubd doesn't cause a write to the
port status registers until the warm reset is complete.

That could also be part of John's issue (mail: problem with Roseweil
eusb3 enclosure).  Maybe his host gets into a bad state when the xHCI
driver attempts to write to the port status registers before the warm
port reset is done?

Sarah Sharp
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