On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 02:15:33PM -0700, Matthew Hall wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 08, 2012 at 02:34:24PM -0700, Gary E. Miller wrote:
> > > The error you're getting seems to me to indicate a
> > > hardware issue, and I'm really not sure how to solve it.
> > 
> > Could be, I find many people have problems with the chip.
> > 
> > > > Cards with the Etron chip on them are $14 on newegg.  I'd be happy
> > > > to buy one for anyone that wants to see the problem up close and
> > > > personal.
> > > 
> > > Money's not really the issue for me, it's time...
> > 
> > I can see it not being of major interest to you.  But the offer stands
> > for anyone that wants to take a crack at it.
> > 
> > I guess I'll go back to kurking.
> Hi all,
> I'm in kind of the same sinking boat as Gary here.
> It's unfortunate that somebody soldered this chip into my motherboard with 
> all 
> the issues that have come up.
> I'm wondering, what are my other options? How can I go about acquiring a PCIe 
> card that uses a known-good working USB 3.0 chip instead? Or what else can I 
> do to sort this issue out?

You can buy an xHCI host controller with the NEC (Rensas) chipset it in.
You may be able to read the data sheets for the various cards and see
which chipset they're using.  For example, doing a search for "nec usb
3.0 card" on newegg.com brought up this:


There is a couple cheaper cards available with the NEC chipset, but the
reviews are full of people receiving dead cards, so I'd go with the more
expensive brand.

Sorry about this!  The NEC is one of the most stable hosts out there, so
I hope you can get one and enjoy a less buggy USB 3.0 experience. :-/

Sarah Sharp
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