On Wednesday 26 September 2012 18:38:38 Felipe Balbi wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 05:31:43PM +0200, Oliver Neukum wrote:
> > Hi Sarah,
> > 
> > watching your talk and drinking tea I had an idea.
> > 
> > Switching off ports saves power in itself. It also allows
> > switching off host controllers.
> > The problem with switching off power on external ports is that they
> > don't detect hotplug events anymore.
> could we expose that choice to userland, maybe ? Desktop environment

We certainly can. I was looking for a way to keep the cake and eat
at least a part of it. Orthogonal questions really.

> could implement different policies and one of them could to just turn
> them off and require user action to power them on when we connect
> something and another policy could be "poll" for devices. Meaning that
> we power port off for 1 second, then power up and check if there is a
> device connected, then power it off for another second and so on.

This would quite likely require more power than leaving them on.
And of course, it can be done fully in user space.


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