On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 10:42:10PM +0100, Pete Batard wrote:
> Hi,
> It with pleasure that I would like to announce the release of
> libusbx 1.0.13. This version brings the following notable changes:
> * [MAJOR] Fix a typo in the API with struct libusb_config_descriptor
> where MaxPower was used instead of bMaxPower, as per the specs.
>   If your application was accessing the MaxPower attribute, and you
> need to maintain compatibility with libusb or older versions, please
> see APPENDIX A below.

So, you broke compatibility with existing programs, like usbutils.
That's just foolish and dumb.  I have loads of distros asking me about
this now.

Please put the work-around in the library if you really want to change
this field name, otherwise, I'm going to have to recommend that no one
use libusbx as it's developers really don't care about their users.

greg k-h
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