On Wednesday 05 September 2012 21:58:06 Yann Cantin wrote:

> As ebeams are the only devices to my knowledge that work that way, i don't 
> think
> a common API can be common, unless we mean an in-kernel generic purpose 
> calibration
> API for input devices (stellar away for me), or a userland one (where should 
> it be
> in the stack ?). Sincerely, this look overkill.
> In the other hand, the actual ebeam module transformation feeding events 
> subsys
> works very well and expose straight and usable data to userland (xorg evdev 
> for now,
> and any program that can eat kernel's input data).

OK, I see the problem. You have no other choice.
> ##
> I understand the sysfs interface is a problem. Eventually, in last resort, i 
> can reduce
> it to 4 files : pass the 9 matrix parameters as one big string, removing min 
> values. But
> i think this obfuscate the api for a marginal gain.

That would be wrong. The problem is a specific API. If it needs to be done
at all, it better be done as cleanly as possible.


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