On 08/27/2012 12:36 PM, Marc Kleine-Budde wrote:

>>>>>>>> +    return usb_add_phy(&mxs_phy->phy, USB_PHY_TYPE_USB2);
>>>>>>> Why is it usb2? It's kind of USB_PHY_TYPE_DT.
>>>>>> For now there is USB_PHY_TYPE_USB2, USB_PHY_TYPE_USB3 and undefined. On
>>>>>> the one hand it's an USB2 type phy on the other the type is not relevant
>>>>>> if you get the phy by a phandle. I think it should be USB2. Kishon, what
>>>>>> do you think?
>>>>> IMHO, USB_PHY_TYPE_DT does not qualify to be a phy type.
>>>>> USB_PHY_TYPE_USB2 makes more sense to me.
>>>> Why is USB_PHY_TYPE_USB2 better? It might not be attached to usb2.
>>>> undefined may be better, if it's not used to check re-initialization.
>>> What I meant is, the type should be something that qualifies the phy
>>> ip. For example, USB_PHY_TYPE_USB2 specifies a phy that connects to a
>>> usb2/usb3 controller to provide usb2 functionality. If a specific type
>>> of phy can't be qualified with a type (which ideally shouldn't be the
>>> case), UNDEFINED can be used.
>> Ah, I though usb2 means the index of usb controller is 2. So, if usb2
>> is usb version 2, how can usb_get_phy identify a unique controller. A
>> SoC may have several usb2 controllers.
> Via the get by phandle the previous patch adds.

Problem solved?

Pengutronix e.K.                  | Marc Kleine-Budde           |
Industrial Linux Solutions        | Phone: +49-231-2826-924     |
Vertretung West/Dortmund          | Fax:   +49-5121-206917-5555 |
Amtsgericht Hildesheim, HRA 2686  | http://www.pengutronix.de   |

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